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  1. Fang F. Z., 2022, The three paradigms of manufacturing advancement (keynote speech), International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering (ICSFT2022), Hangzhou, China, July1-3.

  2. Fang F. Z., 2022, Three manufacturing development paradigms, The 11th Annual Prof. Yohanan Arazi Industry-Academia Conference: Opportunities & Challenges, Israel, March 23-24.

  3. Fang F. Z., 2021, Manufacturing III: Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (keynote speech), Nano Singapore, Singapore, November 23-25.

  4. Fang F. Z., 2021, Freeform optics: Manufacturing and measurement (invited presentation), Phonics Asia, Nantong, China, October 10-12.

  5. Fang F. Z., 2021, The three paradigms of manufacturing advancement (keynote speech), Sympisum on Atomic and close-to-atomic Scale Manufacturing, Chengdu, China, December 3-5.

  6. Fang F. Z., 2020, Design and manufacturing of bio-implants (plenary speech), 18th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE2020), Kobe, Japan, November 24-26.

  7. Fang F. Z., 2020, Super smooth polishing of optical crystals (keynote speech), International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology and Surface Engineering (ICSFT2020), Changzhou, China, September 18-19.

  8. Fang F. Z., 2019, Manufacturing III: Atomic and/or close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (keynote), 8th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Matsue, Japan, November 12-15.

  9. Fang F. Z., 2019, High efficient machining of brittle materials (keynote speech), Symposium on Ultra-High-Speed Machining and Machining of Hard and Brittle Materials, Shenzhen, China, October 13-15.

  10. Fang F. Z., 2019, Perspective of ACSM manufacturing (invited lecture), Symposium organized by the Irish Manufacturing Research, Cork, Ireland, August 29.

  11. Fang F. Z., 2019, Development of Micro/nano manufacturing technology at MNMT (Keynote), 2nd AET Symposium on SMART and ACSM Manufacturing, Dublin, Ireland, August 16-17.

  12. Fang F. Z., 2019, Fundamentals and characteristics of ACSM manufacturing (invited lecture), Opening Ceremony for Center for Advanced Laser Manufacturing (CALM), Shandong, China, July 11-13.

  13. Fang F. Z., 2019, Manufacturing and metrology in developing optical systems (keynote speech), Workshop on Computational imaging and Optical Metrology (CIOM 2019), China, Shanghai, July 11-12.

  14. Fang F. Z., 2019, Characteristics of Manufacturing II (invited presentation), the 6th Polymer Replication on Nanoscale (PRN2019), Dublin, Ireland, May 9-10.

  15. Fang F. Z., 2019, Micro-optics design and manufacturing (keynote speech), the 6th Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture 2019 (APCOM2019), Hong Kong, China, January 7-9.

  16. Fang F. Z., 2018, Design and manufacturing of structured freeform optics (keynote speech), Euspen SIG: Structured & Freeform Surfaces, Paris, France, November 27-29.

  17. Fang F. Z., 2018, Manufacturing of freeform optics (keynote speech), 14th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process (CJUMP 2018), Harbin, China, September 13-15.

  18. Fang F. Z., 2018, Development of manufacturing technology for bio-medical and optical applications (invited seminar), University College Cork, Ireland, May 18.

  19. Fang F. Z., 2018, Manufacturing of bio-medical implants (invited seminar), Alcon, Ireland, May 18.

  20. Fang F. Z., 2018, Measurement of freeform optics (invited seminar), Korean Institute of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Daejeon, Korea, April 19.

  21. Fang F. Z., 2017, Towards nanomanufacturing (keynote speech), the 13th China-Japan International Conference on Ultra-Precision Manufacturing Process (CJUMP2017), Shanghai, China, November 19-21.

  22. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing – perspective and applications (keynote speech), the 7th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2017), Seoul Korea, November 14-17.

  23. Fang F. Z., 2017, Atomic manufacturing (invited speech), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, November 14.

  24. Fang F. Z., 2017, Ultra-precision machining of complex surfaces (keynote speech), SIG-Micro/nano Manufacturing, Europe Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (Euspen), Strathclyde, United Kingdom, July 8-10.

  25. Fang F. Z., 2017, Freeform optics - fundamentals, manufacturing and applications (invited presentation), Photonics Ireland, Galway, Ireland, September 13-15.

  26. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing - perspective and applications (keynote paper), the 67th General Assembly of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), Lugano, Switzerland, August 20-26.

  27. Fang F. Z., 2017, Nanomanufacturing - perspective and applications (keynote speech),39th International MATADOR Conference on Advanced Manufacturing, Manchester, United Kingdom, July 5-7.

  28. Fang F. Z., 2017, High precision manufacturing of complex surfaces (keynote speech), Sino-German Forum on Manufacturing, Nanjing, China, May 23-25.

  29. Fang F. Z., 2017, Machining of medical components and implants (invited presentation), Machining Technology Workshop, Croom Precision Medical, Ireland, March 10.

  30. Fang F. Z., 2017, Precision and micro machining of medical components (invited presentation), Smithtown Light Engineering, Ireland, March 10.

  31. Fang F. Z., 2017, Manufacturing development trend: atomic scale manufacturing (invited seminar), Gunma University, Japan, February 22.

  32. Fang F. Z., 2017, Micro machining and applications (invited seminar), Dublin City University, Ireland, February 1.

  33. Fang F. Z., 2016, Medical devise manufacturing (invited presentation), Alcon Laboratories, Cork, Ireland, December 15.

  34. Fang F. Z., 2016, Atomic and close-to-atomic scale manufacturing (invited lecture), International Symposium on Future-Oriented Machining 2016 (FORM 2016), Tokyo, Japan, November 21.

  35. Fang F. Z., 2016, High precision manufacturing of complex surfaces (keynote speech), International Forum on Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Equipment, Chengdu, China, November 4.

  36. Fang F. Z., 2016, Manufacturing of micro optics (keynote speech), The 5th Asia Pacific Conferenceon Optics Manufacture, Shanghai, China, October 30 – November 2.

  37. Fang F. Z., 2016, Advanced optical manufacturing technology (invited seminar), Hefei Livermore Instruments Co. Ltd., Hefei, China, October 21.

  38. Fang F. Z., 2016, Development and application of nano manufacturing (keynote speech), Eastern Forum of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China, October 19.

  39. Fang F. Z., 2016, Advance in optical manufacturing (invited lecture), QingheForum of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics Chinese Academy of Science, Shanghai, China, June 30.

  40. Fang F. Z., 2016, Manufacturing III (keynote speech), The 9th International Conference on Digital Enterprise Technology (DET2016), Nanjing, China, March 29-31.

  41. Fang F. Z., 2015, The key technology of intelligent manufacturing and strategic choice of the enterprises (keynote speech), Forum of Industry 4.0 and Manufacturing 2025, Tianjin, China, November 27.

  42. Fang F. Z., 2015, Nanomanufacturing: challenges and opportunities (keynote speech), The 13th International Conference on Automation Technology, Taiwan, China, November 13-15.

  43. Fang F. Z., 2015, Low temperature and ultrasonic assisted carbon steel cutting and the progress (invited lecture), Taishan Academic Forum—high efficiency energy and material saving manufacturing, Zibo, Shandong, September 18-20.

  44. Fang F. Z., 2015, Manufacturing III-addressing the manufacturing development trend (invited lecture), Brunel University London, UK, September 7.

  45. Fang F. Z., 2015, Nanomanufacturing-challenges and opportunities (invited lecture), The 2nd ISNM Summer School-Precision Metrology and Instrumentation for Micro/Nano-manufacturing, Hong Kong, July 13-18.

  46. Fang F. Z., 2015, Ultra-precision machining of brittle materials and carbon steel (keynote speech), The 13th Conference on Machining and Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Taiyuan, May 22-24.

  47. Fang F. Z., 2015, Machining and measurement of aspheric and freeform optical elements (invited lecture), Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC2015), Beijing, May 5-7.

  48. Fang F. Z., 2015, Micro machining technologies (invited lecture), University of Brescia, Italy, April 3.

  49. Fang F. Z., 2015, Manufacturing and measurement of freeform optics (keynote speech), International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (ICOPEN2015), Singapore, April 14-16.

  50. Fang F. Z., 2015, Nanomanufacturing: perspectives and applications (keynote speech), 4M/ICOMM 2015 Conference, Milan, Italy, March 31- April 2.

  51. Fang F. Z., 2015, Advances in Nano Mechanical Machining (keynote speech), The 38th International MATADOR Conference, Huwei, Taiwan, March 27-April 1.

  52. Fang F. Z., 2015, Nanometric cutting mechanism (keynote speech), The 8th Manufacturing Institute for Research on Advanced Initiatives (MIRAI-2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 25-26.

  53. Fang F. Z., 2014, Manufacturing III (keynote speech), Precision Machining Workshop across the Taiwan Straits, Guangzhou, Guangdong, December 18-21.

  54. Fang F. Z., 2014, Manufacturing III (invited lecture), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, November 11.

  55. Fang F. Z., 2014, Manufacture and measurement of freeform surface (invited lecture), Young Researchers’ Measuring and Testing Technology Forum Supported by NSFC, Tianjin, October 24-26.

  56. Fang F. Z., 2014, High precision machining of complex surfaces (keynote speech), The 10th CHINA-JAPAN International Conference on Ultra- Precision Machining Process (CJUMP), Jiaozuo, Henan, October 18-19.

  57. Fang F. Z., 2014, The high precision manufacturing technology of complex surface (invited speech), Manufacturing Technology Seminar across the Taiwan Straits Supported by NSFC, Yinchuan, September 24-28.

  58. Fang F. Z., 2014, Manufacturing of freeform optics (invited speech), ASPEN/ASPE Summer Conference on Freeform Optics, Hawaii, USA, June 26-28.

  59. Fang F. Z., 2014, Nanomanufacturing perspective (invited presentation), NanoTrends2014, Nanjing, China, May 23-25.

  60. Fang F. Z., 2014, Nano machining technology (invited presentation), The 7th MIRAI Conference on Nanofabrication and Green Technology, Wako, Japan, March 27-28.

  61. Fang F. Z., 2014, Freeform optics and applications (plenary speech), The 25th Conference on Real and Virtual Manufacturing, Wroclaw, Poland, March9-11.

  62. Fang F. Z., 2014, Evaluation of freeform lenses (invited lecture), MAFO – The Conference, Milan, Italy, February 27-28.

  63. Fang F. Z., 2013, Fabrication of nano optics (invited presentation), Asian Symposium on Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2013), Taipei, Taiwan, China, November 12-15.

  64. Fang F. Z., 2013, Manufacturing of freeform optics (invited speech), National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, November15.

  65. Fang F. Z., 2013, Nanomanufacturing: perspective and applications (invited speech), Taiwan University, Taipei, November 11.

  66. Fang F. Z., 2013, Manufacturing of freeform optics (keynote speech), The 15th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC), Nanjing, China, October 16-18.

  67. Fang F. Z., 2013, Development in micro machining technology (invited presentation), Symposium on Precision Manufacturing, Changzhou, China, September 26-28.

  68. Fang F. Z., 2013, Ultrasonic assisted machining (keynote speech), Symposium on Precision Micro Manufacturing, Taian, China, September 20-23.

  69. Fang F. Z., 2013, Advanced optical manufacturing (keynote speech), International Conference on Optics, Shenzhen, China, September 5-6.

  70. Fang F. Z., 2013, Machining of micro/nano optical elements (keynote speech), PhD. Candidates Symposium of Instrumentation and Bio-engineering, Beijing, China, September 1-2.

  71. Fang F. Z., Zhang X, Weckenmann A., Zhang G., Evans, C., 2013, Manufacturing and measurement of freeform optics (keynote paper), The 62nd CIRP General Assembly, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 18-24.

  72. Fang F. Z., 2013, High precision complex form machining (keynote speech), Symposium of Manufacturing Frontiers, Beijing, China, July 26-28.

  73. Fang F. Z., 2012, Advances in nano mechanical machining (invited presentation), The 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing (ICFDM2012), Chongqing, China, June 10-12.

  74. Fang F. Z., 2012, Development of freeform machining (keynote speech), International Symposium on Micro/nano Mechanical Machining and manufacturing (ISMNM), Matsushima, Japan, April 18-20.

  75. Fang F. Z., 2012, Fabrication of nano optics (plenary speech), The 6th SPIE International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT2012), Xiamen, China, April 26-29.

  76. Fang F. Z., 2012, Advances in freeform optics (invited presentation), Carl Zeiss Vision, Aalen, Germany, March 15

  77. Fang F. Z., 2012, Advances in freeform optics (invited presentation), Ophthalmic Labs & Industry (MAFO), Milan, Italy, March 10-11.

  78. Fang F. Z., 2011, Fabrication of nano optics (invited speech), The Asia Conference on Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2011), Hong Kong, China, November 15-18.

  79. Fang F. Z., 2011, Nano scale fabrication of optical elements (keynote speech), The 8th National Conference on Precision Engineering, Tianjin, China, October 14-16.

  80. Fang F. Z., 2011, Manufacturing of freeform optics (keynote speech), The 14th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC2011), Tianjin China, October 13-15.

  81. Fang F. Z., 2011, Machining mechanism at multi-scale (keynote speech), The 1st Forum on Trends in Nano-Manufacturing (NanoTrends2011), Hefei, China, October 9-12.

  82. Fang F. Z., 2011, Manufacturing of freeform optics (keynote speech), Ophthalmic Optics Forum, Beijing, China, September 13.

  83. Fang F. Z., 2011, Development in manufacturing of freeform optics (plenary speech), The 1st International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale (3M-Nano), Changchun, China, August 29-September 2.

  84. Fang F. Z., 2011, Advances in manufacturing (invited speech), National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, China, February 25.

  85. Fang F. Z., 2011, Freeform optics and development (invited speech), Metal Industries R&D Centre, Taiwan, China, February 24.

  86. Fang F. Z., 2011, Advances in nano fabrication (invited seminar), Institute of Experimental Physics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, February 4.

  87. Fang F. Z., 2011, Advances in manufacturing (invited seminar), QFM University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, January 31.

  88. Fang F. Z., 2010, Trends of manufacturing development (plenary speech), PEI General Assembly, Jinan, China, December 12-16.

  89. Fang F. Z., 2010, Machining of freeform optics (plenary speech), OSA-IEEE-COS Topical Meeting on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics, Guangzhou, China, December 3-6.

  90. Fang F. Z., 2010, Mechanical processes for micro-optics (invited presentation), SPIE – Phonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, April 12-16.

  91. Fang F. Z., 2009, Nano mask fabrication based on focused ion beam milling (invited presentation), Asia Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2009), Kitakyushu, Japan, November 11-13.

  92. Fang F. Z., 2009, Advances in micro/nano fabrication (invited presentation), The 3rd MIRAL International Conference – Micro Fabrication and Green Manufacturing, Incheon, Korea, October 14-16.

  93. Fang F. Z., 2009, Development in nanomanufacturing (invited presentation), Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, November 3.

  94. Fang F. Z., 2009, Inspection of high aspect ratio features (invited presentation), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, November 4.

  95. Fang F. Z., 2009, Manufacturing in nanometric accuracy (invited presentation), The 2nd NSFC-NSF Joint Symposium on Nanomanufacturing, Nebraska, USA, October 19-20.

  96. Fang F. Z., 2009, Functional surfaces fabrication (keynote presentation), The 1st International Conference on Surface and Interface Fabrication Technologies, Wako, Japan, July 16-17.

  97. Fang F. Z., 2009, Advances in micro/nano machining (keynote presentation), The 1st International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, Japan, February 16-17.

  98. Fang F. Z., Xu Z. W., 2008, Nanometrology for high aspect ratio features using nanotube (invited presentation), International Conference on Precision Measurement (ICPM2008), Ilmenau, Germany, September 8-12.

  99. Jin G. F., Fang F. Z., 2008, Freeform optics (keynote speech), The 1st International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2008), Singapore, July 13-16.

  100. Fang F. Z., Zhang X. D., 2008, Freeform machining technology (keynote speech), International Symposium on Functional Surface Machining, Bremen, Germany, June 18-20.

  101. Fang F. Z., 2008, Advances in freeform machining (invited presentation), The 3rd International Symposium on Micro/nano manufacturing, Taiwan, April 26-28.

  102. Zhang X. D., Fang F. Z., 2008, Machining and simulation of sinusoidal surfaces using cylindrical coordinate method (invited paper), The 1st International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2008), Singapore, July 13-16.

  103. Fang F. Z., 2007, Freeform machining of optics: from concept to reality (keynote speech), Asia Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN2007), Korea, November 6-9.

  104. Fang F. Z., 2007, Advances in ultra-precision machining of optical components (keynote speech), Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM2007), Hong Kong, China, January 11-13.

  105. Fang F. Z., 2006, Advances in micro/nano machining (invited presentation), Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, June 8.

  106. Fang F. Z., 2006, Advances in micro/nano manufacturing (keynote speech), International Conference on Micro/Nano Fabrication Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 10-12.

  107. Fang F. Z., 2005, Fundamentals in micro machining (invited presentation), Nagoya University, Japan, October 14.

  108. Fang F. Z., 2005, Brittle-to-ductile transition in single crystal silicon (keynote speech), TMMF2005, Tsukuba, Japan, October 17.

  109. Fang F. Z., 2005, Micro machining of optical and bio-medical parts (invited presentation), Technological University of Malaysia, Malaysia, February 23.

  110. Fang F. Z., 2004, Micro machining technology (invited presentation), Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, June 9.

  111. LeeL. C., Fang F. Z., LiuX. D., Thoe, T. B., Ding, X., 2004, Machining technology associated with the changing face manufacturing (keynote paper), The International Conference on Manufacturing & Management -2004 (GCMM 2004), Vellore, India, December 8-10.

  112. Fang F. Z., 2004, Tool-based micromachining technologies (keynote speech), Workshop in Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Atlanta, USA, June 7-9.

  113. Fang F. Z., 2003, Micro machining technologies (invited presentation), MTA2003 International Technical Forum, Singapore, June 21.

  114. Fang F. Z., 2003, Micro machining of optical and bio components (invited presentation), Tsinghua University, China, September 18.

  115. Fang F. Z., 2003, Development of micro machining (invited presentation), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, September 19.

  116. Lee L. C., Fang F. Z., Huang H., Kanno S., Liu X. D., Mai T. A., Ramesh K., 2003, Addressing the ubiquitous burrs (keynote paper), The 3rd Asia-Pacific Forum on Precision Surface Finishing and Deburring Technology, Melbourne, Australia, November 4.

  117. Fang F. Z., 2003, Micro fabrication processes (invited presentation), Seminar at National University of Singapore, Singapore, February 21.

  118. Fang F. Z., 2003, High speed machining technology (Invited presentation), Workshop Jointly Organized by NUS and JSME, Singapore, February 26-27.

  119. Fang F. Z., Liu X. D., Lee, L. C., 2003, Micro machining of optical glasses (invited paper), Sadhana-Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, May 1.

  120. Fang F. Z., 2001, Cutting of hardened steels (keynote speech), The International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT2001), Nanjing, China, September 10.

  121. Fang F. Z., 2001, Hardened steel machining (invited presentation), Gintic -Georgia Tech Joint Workshops on Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, June 30.

  122. Fang F. Z., 2000, Ultra-precision machining of brittle materials (invited presentation), Tianjin University, China, June 10.

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Centre of Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology (MNMT-Dublin) 

School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

University College Dublin,

Belfield Dublin 4, Dublin, Ireland

© 2019 MNMT-Dublin

Last updated: 12:07  12  January, 2022

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